Old Men/New Techs

Welcome to Old Men/New Techs

There is a tremendous body of knowledge on caffeine beverage equipment repair that is getting lost out in the world. We aim to try and change that.   The underlying goal of Old men/new techs is search out that knowledge and document it, sending it out into for the world for all to learn,  to ask better questions, and become better techs.




The information provided in this webcast/podcast is for informational purposes.

We are a rough-cut group of field techs and coffee professionals. Producing webcasts and podcasts is not our forte.  So occasionally the quality of our webcasts/podcasts may not be perfect. We appreciate your suggestions for improvement.

Please remember – this content is for entertainment purpose only. The views and opinions expressed in our webcast/podcasts are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any aspects of the Caffeine Motor Machines or the companies the panelists may represent.

Meet the Maker

Larry Eister was the first tech hired at Starbucks – Employee #60 after Howard Schultz bought the company – Larry kindly took the time to talk to us about his history as a service tech, his career in specialty coffee and what he sees for the future – We also get a cool reveal of what happened to all those LA Marzocco machine Starbucks used to have.