Brewer basics: Intro

I am convinced that Coffee brewers come with their own Gremlins.  If by chance you don’t know what a Gremlin is,any there are numerous Bugs bunny cartoons that can explain what they are.

I’ve had service callss that have frustrated me so much I felt like William Shatner from the Twilight Zone episode 3 season 5 “Nnightmare at 20,000 Ffeet” where he ends screaming “I realize what this sounds like. Do I look insane?”.  Ultimately, there was a gremlin on the wing of the planbe.

Simply speaking coffee brewer systems are composed of interacting systems: the water system, the heat system and the dispensing system.  

  1. The water system deals with delivering water into the boiler or tank.  
  2. The heat systems role is to heats the water to an accurate temperature to extract brewed product.
  3. The dispensinge system controls the s role is to dispensee or spray of water over the ground bean to obtain a delicious coffee product. 

Each system has common components that interact with each other. Each component works with the rest of the system to draw water, heat water and brew coffee.  

Water system

Level probe – Uses a low voltage signal to determine the water level in the tank

Level control board – Interprets the signal from the level probe and activates the inlet valve as needed to fill the tank.

Inlet valve – Opens with a signal from the level control board to fill the tank and closes when the water level reaches the level probe.:

Level probe

Level control board


Heating system.

Heater switch

High temp cut off

Control thermostat

Triac & Circuit Breaker

Relays and contactors

Elements & Switches

Dispensing system.


Brew switch


Brew and dump Valve

Dispensing system.


Brew switch


Brew and dump Valve

With this series we will identify what parts are used in the operation of each system and how they operate how each system interacts and then close with troubleshooting.

As we move forward; please fell free and reach out to me via if you have specific questions.


Hylan Joseph

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